Since 2000 Central Environmental Surveys under Alan Booth has undertaken a broad suite of surveys for protected species at both scoping and more detailed emergence surveys. He has built up a good knowledge of bat use of railway structures and has organised detailed surveys of many railway bridges including Carrick and Enterkinfoot Viaducts which required close inspection and long term emergence surveys assisted by anabat recordings. CES work closely with Stuart Spray for roped access survey to structures such as railway viaducts and more recently with Andrea Huspeth for tree surveys. Alan also records and interprets bat data captures from anemometer towers on windfarms using SM2 and other recording equipment.
He has extensive experience of vegetation and habitat surveying; especially National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys. He undertakes vegetation surveys throughout Scotland, Wales and Northern England covering a diverse range of habitats from saltmarsh to montane communities and is a skilled field botanist with a good working knowledge of lower plants. He is also experienced with setting up and implementing large scale Site Condition Monitoring (SCM) & land management impact assessments on designated sites and onshore windfarms.
•National Vegetation Classification (NVC); Phase I habitat survey; Phase 1 &2 impact surveys; Site Condition Monitoring, UKBAP Habitat Surveys.
•European protected Species surveys,
•Preparation of reports, Ecological Impact Assessments, Environmental Statements, Management Plans.
•European Protected Species license holder in Scotland for great crested newt.
•Knowledge of habitat management, restoration and creation.
•Knowledge of ESRI Arc View GIS 3.2.